不燃化粧板(内装用)・キョーライト 不燃化粧板(内装用)・キョーライト

TOPAbout KYOLITEOur Commitment

Our Commitment



Expand our business and make our staff happy.
Expand or business by applying our traditional techniques to growing fields.

We at KYOTECH group have kept the words "Think outside the box. Create technological advancements. Keep creating the future." as our constitution after we founded in 1933.
We’ll continue to develop our traditional techniques and try to use them in growing fields. That way, we’ll try to get higher customer satisfaction, and try to expand our business.

Quality Policy(ISO9001取得)

Produce quality products that can satisfy our customer's demands

We believe that “Quality is our way of life". Therefore, we conduct quality management and continue to improve our techniques.
So we conduct following matters.

  • 1.We continuously improve our quality management system to adapt to our customer’s demand and regulatory requirements.
  • 2.To execute the quality policy, each division and each group in KYOTECH set own quality targets, conduct it, and revise it.
  • 3.We understand our individual responsibility under our quality policy and each group’s quality targets.
  • 4.We will make a company-wide effort to prepare for various disasters and accidents, work on business continuity BCP, and fulfill our responsibility for stable supply.

Environmental Policy(ISO14001取得)

KYOTECH group is committed to care and protect our environment

We design and manufacture various kinds of Decorative Paneling and other products made by silkscreen printing in and around KYOTO.
The negative impact on the environment by our business includes; consumption of resources and energy, emission of waste, air pollution by chemical substances, global warming results from aforementioned matters.
Today, prevention of global warming and preservation of environment are common challenges for humanity. So we conduct following matters and contribute to the society.
We will:
So we conduct following matters.

  • 1.Develop an environment management system, operate it, and improve it continuously to prevent environmental pollution.
  • 2.Observe environmental regulations related for our business, our own rules to reduce environmental footprint, and the other requirements.
  • 3.We set following matters as key themes. Those are chosen in the matters that can be the negative impacts through our business activities. We also set environmental goals and objectives, execute them, and improve them continuously. We will reduce environmental footprint by providing eco-friendly products and eco-friendly business activities (including production activities).
    • (1) Save Resources and save energy.
    • (2) Reduce emissions of waste, properly designed method of disposing of waste materials.
    • (3) Reduce emissions of environmental pollutant.
    • (4) Provide eco-friendly products.











2024年10月1日 キョーテックグループ